Monday, March 28, 2016


                     Now arguably the most important aspect of the game is how well you can team fight. As we talked about in another post getting cs is very important to ensuring a victory by getting a lot of gold and experience from the minions. Though, you may get that early lead by farming well, the only way that actually ever matters is how well you can team fight. League of Legends is almost never a one man show (now yes sometimes there are just one person carrying everyone, but that's usually not the case). There are many aspects to team fighting that might seem very complicated. Well here is where its going to get broken down from my two favorite positions and where you will need to be, as it tells here.

Above is a list of where everyone should be positioned in a fight for optimal use of their skills and qualities. Now this could change depending on certain team composition


Now while i do understand there are a lot of different kinds of supports and they play things differently were going to base these off of my two favorite supports which both have a completely different role in team fighting, one made for making key opportune plays by picking off someone very easy and keeping them locked down while also tanking the enemy team in the front lines. The other by simply enhancing my ADC with heals and attack damage buffs. To start off Blitzcrank is one of my favorite supports because there is so much versatility to him in the things he can do in just one fight. Going from picking off the enemy team carry or protecting yours in an instant is a very gratifying thing to do and makes you feel very accomplished even though you didn't dish out a ton of damage. Now as for positioning with him you are normally always going to be on the front line to try and catch an enemy out of position with your grab. Now on the other end of all this my other favorite support is Nami, who can be sometimes kind of a hard support with having to micromanage a lot of different abilities and where exactly everything needs to be and placed. As far as positioning goes for this champion is that I would almost always be in the mid line to protect my carries.


Now to be quite honest this has to be my favorite position in the game. There is always some type of game changing play you can make in the game that will often decide the total outcome whether its good or bad. Making picks and smart decisions is key and you have to make them all in and instant of everything going on around you. Positioning is very important to this role because if you are even a tiny bit out of where you need to be you will die instantly even with your team their because you are almost always the other team's number one priority. As almost all mid laners your job is to stay in the back line for as long as possible so none of the enemy team can get to you and lock you down. Now there are some exceptions this, such as a fizz who doesn't have a lot of range except for on his ult. 

"我在团战中该做什么 团战站位攻略." _英雄联盟_超级玩家. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2016.
GamingCurios. "Master Teamfighting in 8 Minutes - A Guide to Teamfighting Mechanics League of Legends LoL." YouTube. YouTube, 19 May 2015. Web. 28 Mar. 2016.
"Roles in Teamfights - League of Legends Community." Roles in Teamfights - League of Legends Community. N.p., 04 Oct. 2013. Web. 28 Mar. 2016.


Monday, March 7, 2016

Last Hitting!!!!!

    First lets talk about what it can do for you so you get a good understanding of why you need it so much, as talked about here. Well first of all, it is your main gold in the game, yes you do get kills and assist's and with those you get large amounts of gold for getting just that one kill. But, if you think about it, getting about twelve farm that will equate to 1 kill. So if you were to just farm up really high and no focus on just killing you can use that extra gold your enemy doesn't have while they were trying to kill you.

Here you will see a detailed description of how to last hit correctly. There are two basic ways that you can last hitting minions. Either using your auto attacks or your champions abilities, for some champions it is much easier to us auto attacks and for some its much easier to use abilities. Now these do not always mean mages, some ability oriented champs use auto attacks to their advantages. For example one person that uses an ability really well to last hit minions is Annie, her Q allows her to cast the ability on and if you kill that said minion then you get your entire mana cost refunded to you plus the gold as a reward for doing a great job on killing those important minions! Also a person that uses only auto attacks for last hitting would be Fizz because his W as a passive buffs his auto attacks and his other abilities need to be saved for saving him in nasty situations. One other thing that might help you in last hitting is adding extra attack damage either for an AP or AD champ the stronger damage on the attacks could help you get that last couple of health that could get away from you.

LeJacq, Yannic. "Beginner's Tips For Playing League of Legends." Kotaku. N.p., 05 Aug. 2015. Web. 07 Mar. 2016.
"How to Last Hit - A Detailed League of Legends Guide." YouTube. YouTube, 10 Mar. 2010. Web. 07 Mar. 2016.
Riaz, Dan. "What Are Some Tips on Last Hitting Minions?" - Quora. N.p., 07 May 2015. Web. 07 Mar. 2016.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Runes and  Masteries for League of Legends

           While you may think that killing things is the only concept in League of Legends, let me tell you that you are completely wrong. Their is a very in depth look on the game that you must know if you ever want to become successful in the game on any kind of professional level. What I am referring to are things in the game named runes and masteries. Now you may be asking yourself, how could these possibly help me play the game better or make me stronger? Well that's exactly what they do on a very literal point. Runes and Masteries enhance your champion by an exponential amount if you use the correct types of runes and masteries. Now this is where the puzzling part comes in, there are all different types of runes and masteries. Some for your ability power champions, attack damage carry champions, or tank champions. Each has its own specific set, if used in the right way can easily help you win games that you never had a chance in in the first place. Here is a list of just a few different combinations you can do with certain champions and all the runes they should use here.

Here is are all of the different runes available in league of legends, though you have to purchase them with IP points in the game, and that comes with just playing and experiencing the game. There are four different types of runes for each rune page Marks, Quints, Seals, and Glyph's. Each has their own unique trait that can help you in the game. 

Here we have a list of all the masteries in the game (these masteries selected are not for every champion). These are equally important to champions as runes are. Each section has its own way of helping all different kinds of champions, to giving them bonus shields or bonus damage or health. Every champion is unique in how they use their masteries just like runes for those specific champs. 

Here is one the games most knowledgeable persons when it comes to analyzing champs and what they need and how they can be used in picking all different runes and masteries for them. 

"Runes for the 2015 Season!" YouTube. YouTube, 6 Dec. 2014. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.
"Phreaks Guide to Runes for Season 5 2015." Phreaks Guide to Runes for Season 5 2015. Riot Games, 21 June 2014. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.
Team Dignitas. "Why Runes Are Important." - Articles. KellyS, 11 Mar. 2014. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.
"Video Game Mastery." Video Game Mastery. N.p., 15 July 2014. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Basic controls and understanding of League of Legends 

There are many maneuvers you can learn in the game that will help you make some serious outplays, but in order to achieve those you need to learn the basics of the game and learn exactly how when where and what exactly to do in the right situations. Learning is simple really the controls are close and there are only a few of them. The basic ones you will need to know is Q, W, E, R, F, D, and the left and right clicks of your mouse. Also it makes easier to play this game with a separate mouse to move around and use your abilities more freely and easily. Here is an instruction on exactly what each key will do for you while you will be play League of Legends here. Now you may change some of these keys later on in the game with macros, but that is an advanced thing and that'll be saved for later. Some of the keys while you are playing with activate instantly wherever your cursor is on the screen or you will have to use your key and left click on whatever you want to use the ability whether it is a friend or a foe.

Here you see which are the main ability keys that you will need to play the game. Use and activate your abilities with ease. Without these you wouldn't have a way to use your abilities except clicking on them manually which will make your plays significantly slower.

Here you see a basic tutorial on how to scale your abilities and what those abilities might need you to do in order to use them. Additionally where to position and what you should do for using certain abilities and when to use them.

 Modder, Case D. "[Review] Ducky DK9008 Shine 2." N.p., 2012. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.
News, IGN. "Learn to Play: League of Legends." YouTube. YouTube, 2012. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Hello! Welcome to the League of Legends blog. Here you will learn to play the game, advance in the game, and hopefully make a career of the game. Where you can make millions of dollars a year if you take the game seriously. You will learn all of the inner workings and dynamics of the game. Plus why it is not only just a competitive game it can also be a team building game to help any group of people come together through teamwork.